Discover History

The Red Tower
Old Town Hall after the devastation, painting 1945

History revealed in the cityscape

Anyone who journeys back in time through Chemnitz’s history will discover major changes, great ideas and key turning points. Not all of them can be seen in the Chemnitz cityscape today. But the information boards project aims to bring stories from the past to life again:

From the oldest building in Chemnitz city centre, the Red Tower, to buildings that have almost been forgotten, such as the Paulikirche (St. Paul’s Church) and important squares such as Falkeplatz. We invite you to take a tour of the city’s former gates.

Market Square

West-facing view of the market with the Town Hall, arcades and Gewandhaus linen hall, painting circa 1820

Town Hall

Design for the New Town Hall by Richard Möbius, circa 1907

Former city gates

City Fortifications

Chemnitz as fortress, 1750

Red Tower

Roter Turm 2001

Johannistor / Beckerplatz


Chemnitzer Tor / Moritzhof

 View from Annaberger Strasse towards the Old Post Office and city centre around 1965

Klostertor - Theaterstraße

What is known as Schloßbergmuseum and Schloßkirche today used to be a Benedictine monastery. The road that led there from the town went through the Klostertor gate and the monastery district. This watercolour by A. Gottschaldt shows the Klostertor gate around 1820, and is taken from a lithograph by W. Flemming from around 1900.

Pforte - Paulikirche

 Getreidemarket was reached by going through the gate past the new St Johanniskirche (Church of St. John). Illustration by L. Sommerschuh, around 1840.

Nikolaitor - Falkeplatz

 Viewed from Falkeplatz, the destruction of Chemnitz city centre in World War II is clear to see. View from Zwickauer Strasse around 1950

Other locations

Schillingsche Figuren - The four times of day

Schillingsche Figuren




From the building files archive at 39 Turnstraße


Ab Ende der 1960er-Jahren macht der Rosenhof mit seinen zahlreichen Rosenstöcken seinem Namen alle Ehre.


Der Schweizer Maler und Grafiker Adrian Zingg hielt im Jahre 1774 die Ansicht von „Schlos und Kirch bei Kemniz“ in einer lavierten Federzeichnung fest. Sie zeigt den Komplex des ehemaligen Klosters und späteren Schlosses kurz vor dem Abbruch des Abtsbaus (Bildmitte).

Alter Flughafen

The AERO 45 of the GDR’s Deutsche Lufthansa is a symbol of the economic prosperity of the airport in the 1950s. In the peak year of 1959, 18,470 passengers passed through the airport. On 31 October 1962, regular services were permanently discontinued.

Alte Synagoge

The large synagogue was inaugurated in 1899 and was considered as adornment of the Kaßberg.


A view from  1918 shows the ensemble of  museum, theater and church.


Morgenleite today, with forests and the shopping centre north of Wladimir-Sagorski-Strasse

The Fritz Heckert residential district

Feierliche Grundsteinlegung, Oktober 1974

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